My Session From CollabSphere 2022 | DEV107 | Building Emotionally Available XPages Applications

Session abstract:

Over the past few years, High Availability (HA) has become more and more a requirement for Web applications. Even though classic XPage development does not lend itself well to High Availability/Reverse Proxy environments, Domino XPages has plenty of tools to build modern web applications based on micro-services and APIs that DO work well in HA environments and allow developers to tap into existing back-end code and leverage data stored in Domino databases. What if your user was editing an XPage and your server goes down? Clustering alone does not solve the problem. This session will demonstrate an approach we use to add HA functionality to our clustered enterprise XPage applications to minimize user disruptions and lost work. Note: this session will NOT demonstrate how to set up HA reverse proxy servers and will focus on what happens in the front-end in the browser and the back-end in Domino.

My CollabSphere session | DEV115 | Using XPages and Bootstrap tabs to build a (Monolithic) Single-Page Application (of Micro Front-Ends)

It’s been two weeks since CollabSphere but better late than never in releasing my session, right?

Once again, Richard and his team have pulled off a phenomenal event. Whether joining as an attendee or a speaker, the mechanism by which one could participate in sessions really could not be any smoother. Having presented at Collabsphere previously in person, I was thrown off initially by not being able to feel the “energy” in the room so to speak, but I quickly settled in and felt quite comfortable.


The session starts out focusing on solutions I’ve built within my organization but ends with “flexTabs” demos – a soon-to-be-released project that can make creating dynamic XPage applications easier and faster. Enjoy!

Join me at CollabSphere 2021!

CollabSphere, perennially a great conference, will be held virtually for the 2nd year in a row from Oct. 19th – Oct. 21st and I am fortunate to be presenting a session this year.

DEV115: Using XPages and Bootstrap tabs to build a (Monolithic) Single-Page Application (of Micro Front-ends)
Time: Tuesday 10/19 @ 2PM EST

While the title is a bit wordy, it is meant to be a little cheeky … This session will demonstrate how at Mutual Boiler Re we use Bootstrap tabs and jQuery to provide our XPages applications with a structure that allows multiple pages, views, and documents to be opened within one browser tab, essentially creating a Single Page Application that mimics the Notes Client in a browser.

Thank you to Richard and the Collabsphere team for this opportunity. I look forward to seeing you there!