I’m speaking at MWLUG about…

… XPages and DataTables (the jQuery plugin, not the XPages data source).  This is my first opportunity to speak and present at a technical conference so I’m running the full gamut of emotions – from excitement to nervous and back again!

In  my session, I’m hoping to share my experiences with using DataTables as the primary tool for displaying view data fed via REST services in my XPage applications.  This experience led to a single, configurable custom control that, in conjunction with a Domino view administration tool,  can be dropped into any XPage or custom control where view data is needed.  My goal was to create less back-end views and provide more UI functionality while minimizing the need to make design changes when views need to be added or updated.

DataTables is incredibly powerful, and I’ve found that every time I thought I was going to have to customize something, inevitably, DataTables had that functionality built in, or at least had tools that made it easier to implement.

Hopefully this topic interests you as much as it does me and I hope to see you there!